검색결과 리스트
- property definition block
- it can contain many properties
- ex)
R_sw1 = 0.003 %0.5; % Turn-on resistance of the top MOSFET (ohm)
R_sw2 = 0.003 %10; % Turn-on resistance of the bottom MOSFET (ohm)
R_sw3 = 0.003 %0.5; % Turn-on resistance of the top MOSFET (ohm)
R_sw4 = 0.003 %2; % Turn-on resistance of the bottom MOSFET (ohm)
R_l = 0.0027 %0.083; % The ESR of the inductor L (ohm) Coiltronics CTX20-1-52M-R
R_c = 0.0765%0.05;
I_ctrl = 0.003 %2e-3;
f_s = 200000 %2e5; % Switching frequency (Hz)
Q_sw1 = 0.000000155 %5e-7; % Gate charges of the top MOSFET (F) (?)
Q_sw2 = 0.000000155 %5e-8; % Gate charges of the bottom MOSFET (F) (?)
Q_sw3 = 0.000000155 %5e-10; % Gate charges of the top MOSFET (F) (?)
Q_sw4 = 0.000000155 %5e-10; % Gate charges of the bottom MOSFET (F) (?)
L = 0.000006; % Inductance (H)
width; % Normalized gate width
위에서 width 를 남겨놓은 이유는 정의 안하고 난중에 생성할때 줄꺼니까...
-method definition block
-Class definitions can contain multiple property definition blocks, each specifying different attribute settings that apply to the properties in that particular block
- 보통 Constructor 부터 시작을 한다
constructor의 예
function obj = Converter(width) // 해당 classname 이 Converter이니까.... classname과 같은이름
가진 method는 constructor
obj.R_sw1 = obj.R_sw1/width;
obj.R_sw2 = obj.R_sw2/width;
obj.R_sw3 = obj.R_sw3/width;
obj.R_sw4 = obj.R_sw4/width;
obj.Q_sw1 = obj.Q_sw1*width;
obj.Q_sw2 = obj.Q_sw2*width;
obj.Q_sw3 = obj.Q_sw3*width;
obj.Q_sw4 = obj.Q_sw4*width;
end %constructor Converter
그리고는 method 들을 정의 해 준다 쉽죠잉?
function eff = eff_i_out(obj, v_in, v_out, i_out)
eff = zeros(size(v_in));
i_valid = and(v_in>0, v_out>0);
i_valid = and(i_valid, i_out>0);
v_in = v_in(i_valid);
v_out = v_out(i_valid);
i_out = i_out(i_valid);
p_conv = obj.converter(v_in,v_out,i_out);
p_out = v_out.*i_out;
eff_valid = p_out./(p_out+p_conv);
eff(i_valid) = eff_valid;
function p_converter = p_converter(obj, V_in_vec, V_out,vec, I_out_vec).............
여기서 신기한게 하나 있죠??
i_valid = and(v_in>0, v_out>0);
i_valid = and (i_valid, i_out>0);
요거.... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
요거는 다음에ㅋㅋㅋ
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